NYS Public Authorities Employee Salary Information
New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation · Resident Pgy - L Iv

Jurisdiction: New York State
Source: New York State, Authorities Budget Office

This dataset includes 31 thousand employees worked in public authorities of New York State. Public authorities are required by Section 2800 of Public Authorities Law to submit annual reports to the Authorities Budget Office that include salary and compensation data. The dataset consists of salary data by employee reported by State Authorities, Local Authorities, Industrial Development Agencies, Local Development Corporations. Each employee is disclosed with authority name, department, job title, salary, etc.

RESIDENT PGY - L IV · New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation · Search Result

Name Authority Position Compensation
DAHLIA CHALABI New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
DAVID FRIEDMANN New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
DEEPA KANNADITHARAYIL New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
DINA BLOCK New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
ESTHER KOAI New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
GEETHA SHANMUGAM New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
HECTOR DELUCCA JIMENEZ New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
INDIRA DEJESUS-ALVELO New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
ISAAC REICH New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
JACLYN TAUB New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
JENNIFER VICKERS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
JOSHUA SILVERBERG New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
KAILASH MOSALPURIA New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
KAREN JABLONSKI New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
KATHLEEN TRAN New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
KELLY MEDWID New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
KENNETH CORLEY New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
KIMBERLY CRAVEN New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
LILLIAN MARSH New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
LISA MEISTER New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
MADHIA SHAHID New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
MARTHA BARRETT New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
MASSOUD KAZZI New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
MATTHEW DOUNEL New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
MURTAZA DIWAN New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
NIKITA JOSHI New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
NORA TAHA New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
PATRICK COREY New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
ROBERT LOTT New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
SALIL BHANDARI New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
SAMY SOLIMAN New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
SARAH MELENDEZ New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
SARAH SELBY New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
SCOTT TROOB New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
SHOURI LAHIRI New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
STEVEN CHEN New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
STEVEN ROPERS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
TANUJ PALVIA New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
TIMOTHY GREENE New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
TIPHANY JOLLY New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
ZINA SEMENOVSKAYA New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36730
SONIA BELLIAPPA New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36726
LISA RONG New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36718
MICHELLE LIN New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36718
SAUMAN RAFII New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36718
REUVEN SINGER New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 36642
NATASHA SHAPIRO New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 31153
JOSEPHINE NI New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 29628
MALINDA BAKER New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 16052
ALEXANDRA MAMORSKA-DYGA New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation RESIDENT PGY - L IV 8662