Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority

Employer: Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority

MICHAEL WALSH is employed with New York State, Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority. The job title is AIRCRAFT/FIRE/RESCUE OFFICER.

Employee Overview

Authority Name Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority
Title Group Professional
Pay Type Full Time
Exempt Indicator No (Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

Recent Salary Information

Fiscal Year End Date 03/31/2016
Total Compensation 58383.66
Base Annualized Salary 54826.31
Actual Salary Paid 54826.31
Performance Bonus 0.00
Overtime Paid 857.35
Extra Pay 2700.00
Other Compensation 0.00
Paid by Another Entity No

Salary History

Year Position Title Total Compensation Base Salary Actual Salary Overtime Extra Performance Other
2016 AIRCRAFT/FIRE/RESCUE OFFICER 58383.66 54826 54826 857 2700 0 0
2015 AIRCRAFT/FIRE/RESCUE OFFICER 55594.12 53185 53185 1209 1200 0 0
2014 AIRCRAFT/FIRE/RESCUE OFFICER 52183.17 51566 51566 617 0 0 0
2013 AIRCRAFT/FIRE/RESCUE OFFICER 53359.46 52602 52602 757 0 0 0
2012 AIRCRAFT/FIRE/RESCUE OFFICER 52273.00 49304 49304 2969 0 0 0
2011 AIRCRAFT/FIRE/RESCUE OFFICER 50229.95 45985 48107 2123 0 0 0

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Authority Information

Authority Name Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority
Authority Address 181 Ellicot Street, Buffalo, NY 14203
Employee Count 2339
Maximum Salary 208327
Average Salary 42569

Employees with the same authority

Name Authority Position Compensation
JOSEPH ABBARNO Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority OPERATOR 23493
JASON ABOUNADER Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority Manager, Finance & Admin. 81958
CHARLES ABRAMO Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority AIRCRAFT/FIRE/RESCUE OFFICER 19006
DARRYL ABRAMS Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority METROLINK OPERATOR 6865
CLAIRE A ACHTYL Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority TEMP. SURVEY TECH. 6714
JAMES C ACOME Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority AIRCRAFT/FIRE/RESCUE OFFICER 54231
NEFTALI ACOSTA JR Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority OPERATOR 12954
ANDREW L ADAMS Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority MGR. OF CONSTRUCTION 83437
CHERYL M AIGNER Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority OPERATOR 43997
PATRA AIKEN Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority HELPER 38877
Find all employees in Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority

Position Information

Authority Name Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority
Employee Count 51
Maximum Salary 66926
Average Salary 46124
Authority Name All Authorities
Employee Count 51
Maximum Salary 66926
Average Salary 46124

Employees with the same position and authority

Name Authority Position Compensation
ANTHONY TURNER Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority AIRCRAFT/FIRE/RESCUE OFFICER 66926
PAUL J ANDREWS Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority AIRCRAFT/FIRE/RESCUE OFFICER 65259
JOSEPH HERDZIK Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority AIRCRAFT/FIRE/RESCUE OFFICER 64913
ROBERT T KAMINSKI Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority AIRCRAFT/FIRE/RESCUE OFFICER 64726
WALTER F PIECZYNSKI Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority AIRCRAFT/FIRE/RESCUE OFFICER 64618
JESSICA L STROM Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority AIRCRAFT/FIRE/RESCUE OFFICER 64537
DAVID J BASINSKI Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority AIRCRAFT/FIRE/RESCUE OFFICER 64419
GEORGE SWEETLAND Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority AIRCRAFT/FIRE/RESCUE OFFICER 62595
TIMOTHY D SZALAY Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority AIRCRAFT/FIRE/RESCUE OFFICER 61641
WILLIAM FLYNN Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority AIRCRAFT/FIRE/RESCUE OFFICER 61133
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Dataset Information

Data Provider New York State, Authorities Budget Office
Jurisdiction New York State

This dataset includes 31 thousand employees worked in public authorities of New York State. Public authorities are required by Section 2800 of Public Authorities Law to submit annual reports to the Authorities Budget Office that include salary and compensation data. The dataset consists of salary data by employee reported by State Authorities, Local Authorities, Industrial Development Agencies, Local Development Corporations. Each employee is disclosed with authority name, department, job title, salary, etc.