Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority

Employer: Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority

HARRISON HARTSOUGH is employed with New York State, Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority. The job title is SEASONAL LABORER.

Employee Overview

Authority Name Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority
Title Group Operational
Pay Type Part Time
Exempt Indicator No (Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

Recent Salary Information

Fiscal Year End Date 12/31/2012
Total Compensation 2497.50
Base Annualized Salary 18720.00
Actual Salary Paid 2443.50
Performance Bonus 0.00
Overtime Paid 54.00
Extra Pay 0.00
Other Compensation 0.00
Paid by Another Entity No

Salary History

Year Position Title Total Compensation Base Salary Actual Salary Overtime Extra Performance Other
2012 SEASONAL LABORER 2497.50 18720 2444 54 0 0 0

Authority Information

Authority Name Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority
Authority Address 3377 Daansen Road, Walworth, NY 14568
Employee Count 75
Maximum Salary 109920
Average Salary 23617

Employees with the same authority

Name Authority Position Compensation
MARTIN AMAN Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 109920
JASON MONROE Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS 74613
DANIEL DEMAY Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority FOREMAN 69235
JAMES HALSEY Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority FOREMAN 68955
BRIAN BIEDA Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority WW OPERATOR 66838
TODD GUERIN Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority LABORER 63077
MARK CHADWICK Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority LABORER 61266
SETH GALEK Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority WW OPERATOR 60800
DAVID HUBRIGHT Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority LABORER 60559
KENNETH HUFF Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority LABORER 58446
Find all employees in Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority

Position Information

Authority Name Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority
Employee Count 17
Maximum Salary 8088
Average Salary 3367
Position Title Seasonal Laborer
Authority Name All Authorities
Employee Count 132
Maximum Salary 14823
Average Salary 4930

Employees with the same position and authority

Name Authority Position Compensation
DAVID STALKER Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority SEASONAL LABORER 4511
MICHAEL HOULIHAN Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority SEASONAL LABORER 4381
CODY SNYDER Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority SEASONAL LABORER 4156
BRADON GODOWN Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority SEASONAL LABORER 1876
NICHOLAS LIOTTA Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority SEASONAL LABORER 1793
TYLER GROSS Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority SEASONAL LABORER 1338
KELLY JACKSON Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority SEASONAL LABORER 908
BRANDON BRASFIELD Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority SEASONAL LABORER 463
ZACHARY KOSACHOOK Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority SEASONAL LABORER 8088
TALLON ROOD Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority SEASONAL LABORER 3744
Find all employees with position title SEASONAL LABORER

Employees with the same position

Name Authority Position Compensation
Nicholas T Savosh New York State Bridge Authority Seasonal Laborer 10020
Alexandra Wilklow New York State Bridge Authority Seasonal Laborer 7222
Caleb N Mauro New York State Bridge Authority Seasonal Laborer 7042
Hunter J Misuraca New York State Bridge Authority Seasonal Laborer 6802
David L Sira New York State Bridge Authority Seasonal Laborer 6769
Todd A Snyder New York State Bridge Authority Seasonal Laborer 6562
Peter W Larson New York State Bridge Authority Seasonal Laborer 6502
Travis J Spencer New York State Bridge Authority Seasonal Laborer 6502
Joseph A Lasaponara New York State Bridge Authority Seasonal Laborer 6442
Salvatore L Mazzella New York State Bridge Authority Seasonal Laborer 6442
Find all employees with position title SEASONAL LABORER


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Dataset Information

Data Provider New York State, Authorities Budget Office
Jurisdiction New York State

This dataset includes 31 thousand employees worked in public authorities of New York State. Public authorities are required by Section 2800 of Public Authorities Law to submit annual reports to the Authorities Budget Office that include salary and compensation data. The dataset consists of salary data by employee reported by State Authorities, Local Authorities, Industrial Development Agencies, Local Development Corporations. Each employee is disclosed with authority name, department, job title, salary, etc.