New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation

Employer: New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation

CARMEN GONZALEZ is employed with New York State, New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation. The job title is SR HOSP CARE INVESTIGATOR.

Employee Overview

Authority Name New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation
Title Group Technical/Engineering
Pay Type Full Time
Exempt Indicator No (Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

Recent Salary Information

Fiscal Year End Date 06/30/2016
Total Compensation 78854.84
Base Annualized Salary 54905.00
Actual Salary Paid 55828.34
Performance Bonus 0.00
Overtime Paid 22655.83
Extra Pay 0.00
Other Compensation 370.67
Paid by Another Entity No

Salary History

Year Position Title Total Compensation Base Salary Actual Salary Overtime Extra Performance Other
2016 CORRECTIONAL COUNSELOR 18786.46 49164 18714 0 0 0 72
2016 CLERICAL ASSOCIATE - L IV 47800.78 46582 47273 89 0 0 439
2016 SR HOSP CARE INVESTIGATOR 78854.84 54905 55828 22656 0 0 371
2015 CLINICAL BUS ANALYST L II 4832.87 90000 6904 0 0 0 -2071
2015 CLERICAL ASSOCIATE - L IV 47581.95 45289 43623 87 0 0 3872
2015 SR HOSP CARE INVESTIGATOR 93238.69 53589 51587 35253 0 0 6399
2014 CLERICAL ASSOCIATE - L IV 43009.13 43375 42803 83 0 0 123
2014 SR HOSP CARE INVESTIGATOR 74440.71 51286 51145 22904 0 0 392
2014 CLINICAL BUS ANALYST L II 89768.90 90000 89753 0 0 0 16
2013 CLINICAL BUS ANALYST L II 13809.40 90000 13808 0 0 0 1
2013 CLERICAL ASSOCIATE - L IV 42540.38 42532 42353 76 0 0 112
2013 SR HOSP CARE INVESTIGATOR 73853.37 51286 51070 22528 0 0 255
2012 CLERICAL ASSOCIATE - L IV 42549.69 42532 42361 81 0 0 107
2012 SR HOSP CARE INVESTIGATOR 71207.79 51286 51032 19922 0 0 253
2011 LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE 952.70 41397 1571 0 0 0 -618
2011 CLERICAL ASSOCIATE - L IV 42106.28 42532 41836 81 0 0 189
2011 SR HOSP CARE INVESTIGATOR 75444.33 51236 50546 24194 0 0 704

Authority Information

Authority Name New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation
Authority Address 160 Water Street, New York, NY 10013
Employee Count 63904
Maximum Salary 538480
Average Salary 51347

Employees with the same authority

Name Authority Position Compensation
WILLIAM WALSH New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation SR VICE PRESIDENT (NETWOR 538480
EMMANUEL NWOKEDI New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation DIR OF SERVICE (AS) 525374
MUTHUSAMY MUTHUKUMAR New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation DIR OF SERVICE (AS) 524556
RAMANATHAN RAJU New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation PRESIDENT 510951
ALI SADR New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation DIR OF SERVICE (AS) 495276
MARLENE ZURACK New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation SR VICE PRESIDENT 484664
MICHAEL MENDESZOON New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation CHIEF OF SERVICE (AS) 472548
ERIC LEGOME New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation DIR OF SERVICE (AS) 453369
BIENVENIDO JONGCO New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation DIR OF SERVICE (AS) 446790
ASHER HIRSHBERG New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation DIR OF SERVICE (AS) 443171
Find all employees in New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation

Position Information

Authority Name New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation
Employee Count 167
Maximum Salary 80839
Average Salary 46376
Authority Name All Authorities
Employee Count 167
Maximum Salary 80839
Average Salary 46376

Employees with the same position and authority

Name Authority Position Compensation
NELLIE CARRASQUILLO New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation SR HOSP CARE INVESTIGATOR 80839
ANA SOTO New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation SR HOSP CARE INVESTIGATOR 77826
SHANIZA RAFEEK New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation SR HOSP CARE INVESTIGATOR 77043
RAMINDER KAUR New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation SR HOSP CARE INVESTIGATOR 75082
FAIZUL RAHAMAN New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation SR HOSP CARE INVESTIGATOR 74677
MOHAMMED ALAM New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation SR HOSP CARE INVESTIGATOR 73367
NANCY MESTRE New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation SR HOSP CARE INVESTIGATOR 72823
DARRYL INMAN New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation SR HOSP CARE INVESTIGATOR 72771
BOBBY BUDHU New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation SR HOSP CARE INVESTIGATOR 72677
MADELINE GUARDIOLA New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation SR HOSP CARE INVESTIGATOR 70255
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Dataset Information

Data Provider New York State, Authorities Budget Office
Jurisdiction New York State

This dataset includes 31 thousand employees worked in public authorities of New York State. Public authorities are required by Section 2800 of Public Authorities Law to submit annual reports to the Authorities Budget Office that include salary and compensation data. The dataset consists of salary data by employee reported by State Authorities, Local Authorities, Industrial Development Agencies, Local Development Corporations. Each employee is disclosed with authority name, department, job title, salary, etc.