NYS Campaign Finance Filings by Candidates and Committees

Jurisdiction: New York State
Source: New York State Board of Elections

This dataset includes 11 millions of campaign finance filings by candidates and committees who file campaign finance disclosure information with the NYS Board of Elections. Each filer is registered with filer ID, filer name, treasurer, locatioin, campaign finance filings, etc.

C84667 · Campaign Finance Filings

Campaign Finance Filings

Filer Name Transaction Contributor Contributor Address Amount Date
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships DAVID GAZZILLO 3101 N Thompson St, Sch'dy, NY 12306 300.00 05/31/2011
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships RANDELL KARL 327 Karl St, Sch'dy, NY 12306 100.00 05/31/2011
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships BRADLEY LITTLEFIELD 3967 Schoharie Turnpike, Delanson, NY 12053 100.00 05/31/2011
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships KEVIN MERCOGLAN 322 Mariaville Rd, Sch'dy, NY 12306 100.00 05/31/2011
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships UNITEMIZED 449.00 05/31/2011
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships UNITEMIZED 15.00 06/01/2011
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships UNITEMIZED 25.00 06/02/2011
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships UNITEMIZED 75.00 06/09/2011
Monetary Contributions/Corporate UNITEMIZED 100.00 05/31/2011
Monetary Contributions/Corporate CADY CO. 200 Church St, Albany, NY 12202 200.00 06/03/2011
Monetary Contributions/All Other UNITEMIZED 50.00 05/31/2011
Monetary Contributions/All Other UNITEMIZED 30.00 06/02/2011
Monetary Contributions/All Other UNITEMIZED 50.00 06/03/2011
Expenditure/Payments FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTIA 2695 Hamburg St, Sch'dy, NY 12306 11.02 06/10/2011
Loans Received JAMES E. LONGO 19 Santa La, Sch'dy, NY 12306 50.00 05/11/2011
Monetary Contributions/All Other FRIENDS OF CHISTOPHER TOMASELLI 1764 Norfork Ave, Sch'dy, NY 12303 25.00 01/11/2012
Monetary Contributions/All Other ROTTERDAM FAMILY CHIROPRCTIC 15 Angers Ave, Sch'dy, NY 12303 12.50 01/11/2012
Expenditure/Payments FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTIA 201 Mohawk Ave, Scotia, NY 12302 0.02 12/09/2011
Expenditure/Payments SCH'DY COUNTY GOP 315 State St, Albany, NY 12210 99.00 03/07/2012
Expenditure/Payments INDEPENDENCE PARTY 225 Broadway Suite 2010, Nyc, NY 10007 75.00 05/22/2012
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships ANTHONY W JASENSKI 59 Crestwood Dr, Schdy, NY 12306 100.00 08/09/2013
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships DANIEL V GRECO 1029 Fairlane Rd, Schdy, NY 12306 100.00 08/09/2013
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships JOSEPH LUCARELLI 1363 Giffords Church Rd, Schdy, NY 12306 200.00 08/09/2013
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships PARISI, COAN & SACCOCIO, PLLC 376 Broadway, Schdy, NY 12305 35.00 08/09/2013
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships UNITEMIZED 895.00 08/09/2013
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships UNITEMIZED 874.00 08/15/2013
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships UNITEMIZED 445.00 09/03/2013
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships EDWARD S MORTKA 424 Marengo St, Schdy, NY 12306 100.00 09/03/2013
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships CLARA A REYNOLDS 215 Shirlwood Dr, Schdy, NY 12306 100.00 09/03/2013
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships MARY HERNANDEZ 2135 Lynn St, Schdy, NY 12306 100.00 09/03/2013
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships UNITEMIZED 25.00 09/06/2013
Monetary Contributions/Corporate JOHN M MCDONALD ENGINEERING, PC 7 South Church St, Schdy, NY 12305 100.00 08/09/2013
Monetary Contributions/Corporate GABRIEL'S ENTERPRISES, INC 1924 Curry Rd, Schdy, NY 12306 50.00 08/09/2013
Monetary Contributions/Corporate ROTTERDAM HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC 3101 Thompson St, Schdy, NY 12306 300.00 08/15/2013
Monetary Contributions/Corporate FRED H WINKLER & CO., CPA, PC 1004 Princetown Rd, Schdy, NY 12306 75.00 08/15/2013
Monetary Contributions/Corporate THE CADY COMPANY 200 Church St, Albany, NY 12202 150.00 09/03/2013
Monetary Contributions/Corporate ANGERS & LITZ ASSOCIATES, INC 15 Angers Ave, Schdy, NY 12303 25.00 09/03/2013
Monetary Contributions/All Other INDEPENDENCE PARTY OF SCHDY CO. Po Box 584, Schdy, NY 12301 100.00 08/15/2013
Monetary Contributions/All Other BUFFARDI FOR SUPERVISOR CAMPAIGN 400 Deer Path, Schdy, NY 12306 250.00 08/15/2013
Monetary Contributions/All Other FRIENDS OF MATT MARTIN 5 Columbia Dr, Schdy, NY 12306 50.00 08/15/2013
Monetary Contributions/All Other CARUSO HOME BUILDERS LLC 90 West Campbell Rd, Schdy, NY 12306 75.00 08/15/2013
Monetary Contributions/All Other FRIENDS OF KRISTIE HANSON 1801 Altamont Ave, Schdy, NY 12306 99.00 08/15/2013
Monetary Contributions/All Other DOM DAGOSTINO FOR SHERIFF 324 Dolan Dr, Schdy, NY 12306 75.00 08/15/2013
Monetary Contributions/All Other FRIENDS OF WAYNE W CALDER 1054 Day Rd, Schdy, NY 12303 50.00 08/15/2013
Expenditure/Payments STAPLES 1350 Altamont Ave, Schdy, NY 12306 243.52 08/08/2013
Expenditure/Payments CANALIS 126 Mariaville Rd, Schdy, NY 12306 552.01 08/15/2013
Expenditure/Payments FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTIA 2695 Hamburg St, Schdy, NY 12306 1.14 08/09/2013
Expenditure/Payments BUILDING ROTTERDAMS FUTURE 842 Curry Rd, Schdy, NY 12306 851.84 09/05/2013
Expenditure/Payments JAMES LONGO 19 Santa Lane, Sch'dy, NY 12306 126.68 10/08/2013
Expenditure/Payments FRIENDS OF MATT MARTIN 1313 Princetown Rd, Sch'dy, NY 12306 50.00 10/08/2013