NYS Campaign Finance Filings by Candidates and Committees

Jurisdiction: New York State
Source: New York State Board of Elections

This dataset includes 11 millions of campaign finance filings by candidates and committees who file campaign finance disclosure information with the NYS Board of Elections. Each filer is registered with filer ID, filer name, treasurer, locatioin, campaign finance filings, etc.

C33243 · Campaign Finance Filings

Campaign Finance Filings

Filer Name Transaction Contributor Contributor Address Amount Date
Expenditure/Payments MARGARET DELLA CIOPPA 481 County Rt. 8, Germantown, NY 12526 122.00 12/23/2008
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships ARTHUR SCHIFF 54 Huntersdown Road, Germantown, NY 12526 110.00 05/04/2009
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships JEREMY M SMITH 118 Sharpes Landing Rd., Germantown, NY 12526 100.00 05/27/2009
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships CHARLES H GEIGER Po Box 252, Germantown, NY 12526 100.00 05/17/2009
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships CHARLES H GEIGER Po Box 252, Germantown, NY 12526 100.00 06/10/2009
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships MURIEL ATTIE 390 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10025 100.00 06/20/2009
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships MISC. Germantown, NY 12526 2070.00 06/20/2009
Expenditure/Payments GERMANTOWN POSTMASTER Germantown, NY 12526 38.00 02/20/2009
Expenditure/Payments TOWN OF GERMANTOWN Palatine Park Drive, Germantown, NY 12526 25.00 02/28/2009
Expenditure/Payments COL. COUNTY DEM. COMM. Hudson, NY 12534 250.00 02/28/2009
Expenditure/Payments COL. COUNTY DEM. COMM. Hudson, NY 12534 250.00 05/21/2009
Expenditure/Payments KAY ABRAHAM 140 Old Sawmill Road, Germantown, NY 12526 174.98 06/05/2009
Expenditure/Payments MARGARET DELLA CIOPPA 481 County Route 8, Germantown, NY 12526 543.06 06/21/2009
Expenditure/Payments KAY ABRAHAM 140 Old Sawmill Road, Germantown, NY 12526 32.90 06/21/2009
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships UNITEMIZED 70.00 10/09/2010
Expenditure/Payments MARGARET DELLA CIOPPA Main Street, Germantown, NY 12526 175.91 10/30/2010
Transfers Out DIDI BARRETT 4068 Albany Post Road, Hyde Park, NY 12538 100.00 10/12/2010
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships 45.00 01/04/2010
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships UNITEMIZED 2195.00 07/11/2010
Expenditure/Payments POSTMASTER Main Street, Germantwon, NY 12526 48.00 02/12/2010
Expenditure/Payments COLUMBIA COUNTY DEMO COMM Hudson 250.00 05/19/2010
Expenditure/Payments MARGARET DELLA CIOPPE Main Street, Germantown, NY 12526 256.82 07/12/2010
Expenditure/Payments VIRGINIA HAYES SIBBISON Po Box 577, Germantown, NY 12526 13.99 06/13/2010
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships UNITEMIZED 50.00 10/03/2011
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships UNITEMIZED 980.00 09/24/2011
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships UNITEMIZED 290.00 10/03/2011
Expenditure/Payments MARGARET DELLA CIOPPA Route 8, Germantown, NY 12526 88.97 08/30/2011
Expenditure/Payments KAYE ABRAHAM Old Sawmill Road, Germantown, NY 12526 22.28 09/01/2011
Expenditure/Payments MARK BERNSTEIN 5 Juiper St., New Paltz, NY 12561 150.00 09/02/2011
Expenditure/Payments MARK BERNSTEIN 5 Juiper St., New Paltz, NY 12561 200.00 09/24/2011
Expenditure/Payments RICHARD VAN WIE 6798 Rte 9, Hudson, NY 12534 890.00 09/24/2011
Expenditure/Payments KAY ABRAHAM Old Sawmill Road, Germantown, NY 12526 69.01 09/23/2011
Expenditure/Payments ARTHUR SCHIFF Hunterstown Road, Germantown, NY 12526 437.89 09/23/2011
Expenditure/Payments MARGARET DELLA CIOPPA Route 8, Germantown, NY 12526 275.32 09/30/2011
Expenditure/Payments ARTHUR SCHIFF Po Box 577, Germantown, NY 12526 272.95 10/28/2011
Expenditure/Payments KAY ABRAHAM Old Saw Mill Road, Germantown, NY 12526 328.27 10/28/2011
Expenditure/Payments ARTHUR SCHIFF Po Box 577, Germantown, NY 12526 174.00 11/04/2011
Expenditure/Payments ARTHUR SCHIFF Po Box 577, Germantown, NY 12526 174.00 11/21/2011
Expenditure/Payments MARGARET DELLA CIOPPA Main Street, Germantown, NY 12526 186.05 11/21/2011
A No Activity Statement Was Submitted
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships Germantown, NY 12526 445.00 05/11/2011
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships CHARLES GEIGER Reuters Road, Germantown, NY 12526 100.00 03/17/2011
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships HARRIETT GREISSER 156 Best Lane, Germantown, NY 12526 100.00 04/11/2011
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships VIRGINIA SIBBISON 54 Hunterstown Road, Germantown, NY 12526 300.00 03/23/2011
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships CYNTHIA SMITH 118 Sharpes Landing Road, Germantown, NY 12526 100.00 04/08/2011
Expenditure/Payments POSTMASTER GERMANTOWN PO Main Street, Germantown, NY 12526 40.00 02/15/2011
Expenditure/Payments TOWN OF GERMANTOWN Palatine Road, Germantown, NY 12526 35.00 03/29/2011
Expenditure/Payments COLUMBIA COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE Po Box 507, Ghent, NY 12516 250.00 03/29/2011
Expenditure/Payments MARGARETTE DELLA CIOPPA 481 County Route 8, Germantown, NY 12526 42.49 04/30/2011
A No Activity Statement Was Submitted