NYS Campaign Finance Filings by Candidates and Committees

Jurisdiction: New York State
Source: New York State Board of Elections

This dataset includes 11 millions of campaign finance filings by candidates and committees who file campaign finance disclosure information with the NYS Board of Elections. Each filer is registered with filer ID, filer name, treasurer, locatioin, campaign finance filings, etc.

C20348 · Campaign Finance Filings

Campaign Finance Filings

Filer Name Transaction Contributor Contributor Address Amount Date
Expenditure/Payments JOSEPH GRAY 105 West Hatfield, Massena, NY 13662 80.59 08/15/2007
Expenditure/Payments KEVIN MAGINN 70 Sullivan Drive, Canton, NY 13617 32.00 09/14/2007
Expenditure/Payments PARTRIDGE RUN GOLF CLUB 70 Sullivan Drive, Canton, NY 13617 60.00 09/14/2007
Expenditure/Payments PARTRIDGE RUN GOLF CLUB 70 Sullivan Drive, Canton, NY 13617 90.00 09/14/2007
Expenditure/Payments LOUIS WILLIAMS INC Riverside Drive, Ogdensburg, NY 13669 3705.22 09/21/2007
Expenditure/Payments MATTHEW FLYNN 1124 Washington Street, Ogdensburg, NY 13669 82.00 09/24/2007
Expenditure/Payments POSTMASTER Post Office, Ogdensburg, NY 13669 68.00 09/24/2007
Expenditure/Payments VILLAGE ENGRAVER 80 Parker Avenue, Massena, NY 13662 89.35 09/24/2007
Expenditure/Payments JANET KELLY Po Box 147, Ogdensburg, NY 13669 482.34 09/25/2007
Expenditure/Payments CAROL O'HORO 159 O'horo Road, Canton, NY 13617 142.13 09/25/2007
Expenditure/Payments JOE GRAY 205 West Hatfield, Massena, NY 13669 139.10 09/25/2007
Expenditure/Payments COMMITTEE TO ELECT KEVIN WELLS 6731 Cr 27, Canton, NY 13617 2500.00 09/25/2007
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships JANET KELLY Po Box 147, Ogdensburg, NY 13669 50.00 10/17/2007
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships 25.00 10/17/2007
Expenditure/Payments JANET KELLY Po Box 147, Ogdensburg, NY 13669 50.00 10/17/2007
Expenditure/Payments WEEKEND STUDIO Canton, NY 13617 62.08 10/17/2007
Expenditure/Payments COMMERCIAL PRESS 216 Cowan Road, Canton, NY 13617 416.23 10/17/2007
Expenditure/Payments DEBRA MOUSAW Canton, NY 13617 200.00 10/17/2007
Expenditure/Payments MICHAEL POWERS 411 Morris Street, Ogdensburg, NY 13669 200.00 10/17/2007
Expenditure/Payments MASSENA REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE Massena, NY 13662 200.00 10/17/2007
Expenditure/Payments WARREN A. KOCHER Lagrasse Street, Waddington, NY 13694 200.00 10/17/2007
Expenditure/Payments COMMITTEE TO ELECT KEVIN WELLS 6731 Cr 27, Canton, NY 13617 1000.00 10/17/2007
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships BEVERLY SHERRY 3701 Sh 37, Ogdensburg, NY 13669 50.00 11/14/2007
Expenditure/Payments JANET KELLY Po Box 147, Ogdensburg, NY 13669 522.40 11/14/2007
Expenditure/Payments GARY TURNER Potato Street, Morristown, NY 13664 200.00 11/14/2007
Expenditure/Payments FARRANDS FLOWERS 118 King Street, Ogdensburg, NY 13669 95.00 11/14/2007
A No Activity Statement Was Submitted
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships JANET KELLY Po Box 147, Ogdensburg, NY 13669 250.00 03/21/2007
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships HELEN M ROGERS Po Box 228, Morristown, NY 13664 100.00 03/17/2007
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships JULIA COSENTINO 612 Lee Road, Ogdensburg, NY 13669 100.00 03/17/2007
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships DAVID J STRADER 709 Ogden Street, Ogdensburg, NY 13669 250.00 04/17/2007
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships PHILIP A MCCOMBS Po Box 82, Morristown, NY 13664 100.00 05/07/2007
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships RAYMOND DUMAS Po Box 40, Childwold, NY 12922 200.00 05/16/2007
Non Campaign Housekeeping Expenses JANET KELLY Po Box 147, Ogdensburg, NY 13617 92.00 01/17/2007
Non Campaign Housekeeping Expenses NY COLLEGE REPUBLICANS STATE COMMITTEE 100.00 01/17/2007
Non Campaign Housekeeping Expenses POSTMASTER Park Street, Canton, NY 13617 160.00 01/18/2007
Non Campaign Housekeeping Expenses JANET KELLY Po Box 147, Ogdensburg, NY 13617 223.70 02/28/2007
Non Campaign Housekeeping Expenses GOUVERNEUR & ST, LAW CO FAIR 85 East Barney Street, Gouverneur, NY 13642 60.00 03/23/2007
Non Campaign Housekeeping Expenses LOCKTON RISK SERVICES Po Box 87-9610, Kansas City, MO 64187 360.00 04/25/2007
Non Campaign Housekeeping Expenses NYS PARKS Massena, NY 13662 100.00 06/11/2007
Non Campaign Housekeeping Expenses CATHY MARICH Massena, NY 13662 33.30 06/11/2007
Non Campaign Housekeeping Expenses CAROL O'HORO 159 O'horo Road, Canton, NY 13617 135.98 06/11/2007
Non Campaign Housekeeping Expenses BEST WESTERN Sr 11, Canton, NY 13617 92.37 06/11/2007
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships TERRY BILLINGS 731 Sh 310, Canton, NY 13617 50.00 07/20/2008
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships GREGORY LYONS Po Box 34, Morristown, NY 13664 50.00 06/25/2008
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships BARBARA WILLIAMS 428 Elizabeth Street, Ogdensburg, NY 13669 100.00 07/15/2008
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships UNITEMIZED 336.00 07/26/2008
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships ROGER MCBATH 35 River Lane, Lisbon, NY 13658 200.00 07/26/2008
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships JOSEPH GRAY 105 West Hatfield Street, Massena, NY 13662 40.00 07/26/2008
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships RALPH JANARO 174 Dayton Road, Potsdam, NY 13676 100.00 07/26/2008