NYS Campaign Finance Filings by Candidates and Committees

Jurisdiction: New York State
Source: New York State Board of Elections

This dataset includes 11 millions of campaign finance filings by candidates and committees who file campaign finance disclosure information with the NYS Board of Elections. Each filer is registered with filer ID, filer name, treasurer, locatioin, campaign finance filings, etc.

C01858 · Campaign Finance Filings

Campaign Finance Filings

Filer Name Transaction Contributor Contributor Address Amount Date
Expenditure/Payments ULSTER COUNTY REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE 159 Green Street Po Box 3413, Kingston, NY 12402 300.00 10/08/2015
Expenditure/Payments FRIENDS OF RON POLACCO 62 Brabrant Road, Kingston, NY 12401 500.00 10/08/2015
Expenditure/Payments SEAN PASCOE 90 Fairview Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 250.00 10/08/2015
Expenditure/Payments JOE CORCORAN 100 Gage Street, Kingston, NY 12401 250.00 10/08/2015
Expenditure/Payments COMMITTEE TO ELECT DEBBIE BROWN 336 Hasbrouck Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 250.00 10/08/2015
A No Activity Statement Was Submitted
A No Activity Statement Was Submitted
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships UNITEMIZED 1040.00 04/28/2015
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships UNITEMIZED 465.00 04/30/2015
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships UNITEMIZED 360.00 05/05/2015
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships UNITEMIZED 15.00 06/10/2015
Monetary Contributions/All Other COUNTY OF ULSTER REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE Green St. and Lucas Avenue, Kingaton, NY 12401 1150.00 04/21/2015
Expenditure/Payments CHUCK POLACCO Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12401 96.12 04/02/2015
Expenditure/Payments AMANDA HORVERS Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12402 60.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments KERI MILLHAM Po Box 2370, Kinbgston, NY 12402 15.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments ELAINE FERRIGAN Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12402 10.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments JOAN MILLHAM Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12402 80.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments BRIAN BROWN Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12401 100.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments LISA BROWN Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12401 5.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments ADRIENNE DUFRESNE Clifton Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 65.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments ALICE LAWLIS Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12401 5.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments BARRY DUNN Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12401 5.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments LOIS LEAHY Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12401 20.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments ANNE MIRESSI Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12401 5.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments BELINDA BREWSTER Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12402 20.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments BRUCE WORDEN Po Box 2370, Kingstion, NY 12402 20.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments BUDDY VEDDER Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12402 50.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments CAROL & BOB KOFLER Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12402 5.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments CHRIS JACOBSON Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12402 20.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments CJ POLACCO III Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12402 25.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments GREG ALBERT Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12402 25.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments DAN SAVONA Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12402 5.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments DREW POSTUPACK Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12402 10.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments G. BUCHINGER Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12402 5.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments HANK BENICASE Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12402 5.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments JACKIE WARDEN Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12401 5.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments JOHN QUIGLEY Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12402 45.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments JEFF CLARK Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12402 20.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments JOANNE NICHOLS Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12402 5.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments JOE INGARRA Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 50.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments JOE SORBELLO Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12401 25.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments KEVIN DAVIS Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12401 5.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments KIRK PETERS Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12401 5.00 06/15/2015
Expenditure/Payments LENNY PELUSO Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12401 5.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments MARK DUFRESNE Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12401 20.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments MARY THAYER Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12402 5.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments MICHAEL PANZERA Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12401 20.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments MIKE MERECKA Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12401 5.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments PAT DALLIES Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12401 10.00 06/10/2015
Expenditure/Payments ROBERT KIVLAN Po Box 2370, Kingston, NY 12402 60.00 06/10/2015