NYS Campaign Finance Filings by Candidates and Committees

Jurisdiction: New York State
Source: New York State Board of Elections

This dataset includes 11 millions of campaign finance filings by candidates and committees who file campaign finance disclosure information with the NYS Board of Elections. Each filer is registered with filer ID, filer name, treasurer, locatioin, campaign finance filings, etc.

A07273 · Campaign Finance Filings

Campaign Finance Filings

Filer Name Transaction Contributor Contributor Address Amount Date
Expenditure/Payments FRIENDS OF SILVER Albany, NY 12210 2000.00 04/20/2000
Expenditure/Payments BRAGMAN FOR ASSEMBLY RE-ELECTION COMMITTEE Albany, NY 12210 2000.00 04/20/2000
Expenditure/Payments FRIENDS OF PATAKI Albany, NY 12210 1000.00 04/20/2000
Expenditure/Payments FRIENDS OF SENATOR VELELLA Albany, NY 12210 1000.00 04/20/2000
A No Activity Statement Was Submitted
Monetary Contributions/Corporate MICHAEL SKURNIK WINES INC. 575 Underhill Blvd., Syosset, NY 11791 2500.00 05/31/2001
Monetary Contributions/Corporate MARTIN SCOTT WINES LTD 1981 Marcus Ave, Lake Success, NY 11042 2500.00 05/31/2001
Monetary Contributions/Corporate CAZANOVE OPICI WINE CORP 55 Jericho Tpke, Jericho, NY 11753 2500.00 05/31/2001
Monetary Contributions/Corporate LAUBER IMPORTS LTD 225 W 34st, Ny, NY 10122 2500.00 05/31/2001
Monetary Contributions/Corporate BNP DISTRIB INC 340 E 93 St, Ny, NY 10128 2500.00 05/31/2001
Monetary Contributions/Corporate WINEBOW INC 236 W 26 St, Ny, NY 10001 2500.00 05/31/2001
Monetary Contributions/Corporate MONSIEUR TOUTON SELECTION LTD 129 W 27 St, Ny, NY 10001 2500.00 07/10/2001
Monetary Contributions/Corporate FREDERICK WILDMAN & SONS LTD 311 E 53 St, Ny, NY 10022 2500.00 07/10/2001
Expenditure/Payments 2000 INAUGURAL BALL CMTE 3500.00 03/05/2001
Expenditure/Payments NOZZOLIO FOR SENATE 2000.00 03/05/2001
Expenditure/Payments THE CONNOR COMMITTEE 750.00 03/05/2001
Expenditure/Payments FRIENDS OF PATAKI 1000.00 03/05/2001
Expenditure/Payments FRIENDS OF SENATOR S. MALTESE 1000.00 03/05/2001
Expenditure/Payments VELELLA 2000 1000.00 03/05/2001
Expenditure/Payments FRIENDS FOR FUSCHILLO 1000.00 03/05/2001
Expenditure/Payments FRIENDS OF CARL L. MARCELLINO 500.00 03/05/2001
Expenditure/Payments NY REPUBLICAN COUNTY CMTE 1000.00 03/05/2001
Expenditure/Payments FRIENDS OF SILVER 2500.00 04/11/2001
Expenditure/Payments COMMITTEE OF H. D. F. 1250.00 04/11/2001
Expenditure/Payments CITIZENS FOR SCHIMMINGER 1000.00 04/11/2001
Expenditure/Payments RENSSALAER COUNTY REPUBLICAN CMTE 2500.00 04/11/2001
Expenditure/Payments COMMITTEE TO RELECT GANTT 1000.00 05/15/2001
Monetary Contributions/Corporate ADMIRAL WINE MERCHANTS INC 246 5th Ave, Ny, NY 10001 2500.00 10/04/2001
Monetary Contributions/Corporate LAUBER IMPORTS 225 W34 St, Ny, NY 10010 2500.00 06/24/2002
Monetary Contributions/Corporate WINE BOW 235 W 26 St, Ny, NY 10001 2500.00 06/24/2002
Monetary Contributions/Corporate M. SCOTT 1981 Marcus Ave, Ny, NY 10001 2500.00 06/24/2002
Monetary Contributions/Corporate M TOUTON 129 W 27 T, Ny, NY 10001 2500.00 06/24/2002
Monetary Contributions/Corporate CAZ OPICI 55 Jericho Tpke, Jericho, MY 11753 2500.00 06/24/2002
Expenditure/Payments DEM ASSEM CAMP COMM 2500.00 02/08/2002
Expenditure/Payments COMM TO RELECT SEN BRUNO 2500.00 02/08/2002
Expenditure/Payments THE CONNOR COMM 1000.00 02/08/2002
Expenditure/Payments FRINDS OF PATAKI 1000.00 02/08/0202
Expenditure/Payments FRIENDS FOR THE ELECTION OF D. SKILES 3500.00 02/08/2002
Expenditure/Payments NOZZOLLIO FOR SENATE CAMPAIGN COMM 1500.00 02/08/2002
Expenditure/Payments FRIENDS FOR SERF MALTESE 500.00 02/08/2002
Expenditure/Payments FRIENDS FOR FUSCHILLO 1000.00 02/08/2002
Expenditure/Payments VELLELLA AGAIN 2002 1000.00 02/08/2002
Expenditure/Payments FRIENDS OF VITO LOPEZ 2000.00 02/08/2002
Expenditure/Payments FARRELL 2002 1250.00 02/08/2002
Expenditure/Payments COMM TO RE-ELECT GARTH 500.00 02/08/2002
Expenditure/Payments CITIZENS FOR SCHMINGER 1000.00 02/08/2002
Expenditure/Payments FRIENDS OF PATAKI 1000.00 07/03/2002
Expenditure Refunds FRIENDS OFMALTESE 1000.00 07/02/2002
A No Activity Statement Was Submitted
A No Activity Statement Was Submitted