NYS Campaign Finance Filings by Candidates and Committees

Jurisdiction: New York State
Source: New York State Board of Elections

This dataset includes 11 millions of campaign finance filings by candidates and committees who file campaign finance disclosure information with the NYS Board of Elections. Each filer is registered with filer ID, filer name, treasurer, locatioin, campaign finance filings, etc.

A00272 · Campaign Finance Filings

Campaign Finance Filings

Filer Name Transaction Contributor Contributor Address Amount Date
Monetary Contributions/All Other SSSA POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE 350 State St., Bklyn, NY 11217 250.00 05/25/1999
Monetary Contributions/All Other PATROLMENS BENENOLUT ASSN OF CITY OF NY PAC 40 Fulton St, Bkln, NY 10038 250.00 05/25/1999
Monetary Contributions/All Other NY COPE FUND 5025 Wisconsin Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20016 250.00 05/25/1999
Monetary Contributions/All Other SUFFOLK COUNTY CORRECTION OFFICERS ASSN PAC 1500 William Floyd Pkwy, Sherley, NY 11967 250.00 05/25/1999
In-Kind Contributions BOB DOHERTY 115 1/2 Lancaster St, Albany, NY 12210 600.00 03/29/1999
In-Kind Contributions SEVICE STATION DEALERS 421 Waverly Ave, Mamaroneek, NY 10543 500.00 03/29/1999
In-Kind Contributions WESTCHESTER COUNTY PBA + SOA 370 Elwood Ave, Hawthorne, NY 10532 500.00 03/29/1999
In-Kind Contributions WESTCHESTER COUNTY PBA Po Box 27, Hawthorne, NY 10532 400.00 03/29/1999
In-Kind Contributions WESTCHESTER COUNTY PA Po Box 321, White Plains, NY 10602 400.00 03/29/1999
In-Kind Contributions NY SOCIETY OF INDEPENDENT ACCTS. 86 Washington St, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 500.00 03/29/1999
Expenditure/Payments ERIC N. VITALIANO 130 Chapin Ave, Si, NY 10304 81.85 01/15/1999
Expenditure/Payments HELEN VITALIANO 130 Chapin Ave, Si, NY 10304 135.00 01/15/1999
Expenditure/Payments ROYAL PRESS 1973 Forest Ave, Si, NY 10303 1286.33 01/15/1999
Expenditure/Payments SS ADVANCES 950 Fingerbourd Rd, Si, NY 10305 89.60 01/15/1999
Expenditure/Payments AT&T WIRELESS Po Box 8220, Aurora, IL 60572 294.15 01/24/1999
Expenditure/Payments AT&T WIRELESS Po Box 8220, Aurora, IL 60572 30.02 01/24/1999
Expenditure/Payments MEALSM WHEELS 303 Port Richmond Ave, Si, NY 10302 50.00 01/24/1999
Expenditure/Payments COLUMBIAN LYCERN 386 Clove Rd, Si, NY 10310 270.63 01/28/1999
Expenditure/Payments AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY 58 New Doy Plaza, Si, NY 10306 75.00 01/24/1999
Expenditure/Payments DEMOCRATIC COUNTY DINNER COMMITTEE 2300 Hylan Blvd, Si, NY 10306 700.00 01/29/1999
Expenditure/Payments MANDALAY Post Ave, Si, NY 10310 304.50 01/05/1999
Expenditure/Payments SHARON GROBE 34 Glenwood St, Albany, NY 12208 165.00 02/10/1999
Expenditure/Payments ST. PETERS BOYS FOOTBALL C/o 31 Wild Ave, Si, NY 10314 60.00 02/10/1999
Expenditure/Payments SI POSTMASTER 850 Manor Rd, Si, NY 10314 66.00 02/11/1999
Expenditure/Payments SETON FOUNDATION OF LEARNING 104 Garden St, Si, NY 10304 55.00 02/11/1999
Expenditure/Payments SI HISTORICAL SOCIETY 441 Clarke Dr, Si, NY 10306 50.00 02/15/1999
Expenditure/Payments JACQUES COMMITTEE 731 Clone Rd, Si, NY 10310 100.00 02/25/1999
Expenditure/Payments JOHN D CALANDRA ITALIAN AMERICAN INSTITUTE 25 W 43rd St, Ny, NY 10036 50.00 03/08/1999
Expenditure/Payments PROJECT HOSPITALISM 100 Park Ave, Si, NY 10302 60.00 03/08/1999
Expenditure/Payments TRANES 4TH OF JULY COMMITTEE 17 Common Ave, Si, NY 10314 100.00 03/08/1999
Expenditure/Payments SHARON GROBE 34 Glenwood St, Albany, NY 12208 165.00 03/08/1999
Expenditure/Payments SI BOTANICAL GARDEN 1000 Richmond, Si, NY 10301 50.00 03/14/1999
Expenditure/Payments CAMELOT FOUNDATION 273 Hebart Dr, Si, NY 10302 50.00 03/14/1999
Expenditure/Payments EXCLUSION 2380 Hylan Blvd, Si, NY 10306 1000.00 03/14/1999
Expenditure/Payments LOUIS FLORIST 1259 Castleton Dr, Si, NY 10310 136.99 03/15/1999
Expenditure/Payments ALEC 910 17th Nw, Wash, DC 20006 50.00 03/21/1999
Expenditure/Payments LEUKEMIA SOCIETY OF AMERICA 85 Watervliet Dr, Albany, NY 12206 52.00 03/21/1999
Expenditure/Payments ITALIAN AMERICAN LEGISLATORS C/o 130 Chapin Ave, Si, NY 10304 60.00 03/21/1999
Expenditure/Payments FORDHAM UNIVERSITY 113 W 60th St, Ny, NY 10133 50.00 03/21/1999
Expenditure/Payments PILOTS OF NYS ASSEMBLY 62 Legislative Office Bldg, Albany, NY 12208 95.00 03/21/1999
Expenditure/Payments REM PRINTING 55 Railroad Dr., Albany, NY 12208 351.00 03/21/1999
Expenditure/Payments SI FEDERATION OF SCH PARENTS 40 Dewey Dr, Si, NY 10308 125.00 03/21/1999
Expenditure/Payments RICHMOND COUNTY CONSERVATIVE PARTY C/o 167 Nixon Ave, Si, NY 10304 1000.00 03/30/1999
Expenditure/Payments SI FEDERATION OF PTAS 202 Virginia Dr, Si, NY 10305 100.00 03/30/1999
Expenditure/Payments ITALIAN CLUB OF SI Po Box 1617, Si, NY 10313 100.00 03/30/1999
Expenditure/Payments SHERIF SOLIMAN 70 Mulberry Circle, Si, NY 10314 330.00 04/23/1999
Expenditure/Payments ERIC N. VITALIANO 130 Chajun Dr, Si, NY 10304 204.57 05/02/1999
Expenditure/Payments DEMOCRATIC ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE 107 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12210 125.00 05/04/1999
Expenditure/Payments SPOTLIGHT PRINTER 27 Hynis St, Si, NY 10301 768.59 05/04/1999
Expenditure/Payments SI CHILDRENS MUSEUM 1000 Richard Tun, Si, NY 10301 55.00 05/04/1999