New York State Registered Attorneys
University of Sydney Law School

Jurisdiction: New York State
Source: New York State, Office of Court Administration

This dataset includes 357 thousand attorneys registered with New York State, Office of Court Administration. Each attorney is registered with registration number, full name, company name and address, phone number, email, year admitted, etc.

University of Sydney Law School · Search Result

Name Company / Organization Address
Hua Huang London Wc2a 1qu, UNITED KINGDOM
Timothy John Sullivan Davis Polk New York, NY 10017, United States of America
Juliett Jing Dong
Claire Sandra Burke Spotify USA Inc New York, NY 10007-2474, United States of America
David Joel Mansberg Ashurst LLP New York, NY 10001-2163, United States of America
Christina Kyu Eun Park
Yunhan Zheng
Ari Fox ARI FOX, ESQ South Orange, NJ 07079-1301, United States of America
Melissa Won-o Jung WOOLWORTHS LIMITED Bella Vista Nsw 2153, AUSTRALIA
Matthew Robert Egerton -warburton C/O GADENS LAWYERS Sydney Nsw 2000, AUSTRALIA
Elizabeth Margaret Avery GILBERT & TOBIN Barangaroo Nsw 2000, AUSTRALIA